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Cornerstone Connection Christian Magazine with Classifieds and Events Orlando Florida

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Make A Stand! Vote On August 26th
by LuAnne Anderson
Last month’s Letter From The Publisher, I discussed a disease sweeping our country, a “Sleeping Giant.” It’s name: complacency.

The Sleeping Giant!
by LuAnne Anderson
There is a sleeping Giant of Great destruction, a killer disease covering our nation. It takes your memory and steals your dreams; it can devour your finances; and it blinds you from seeing those in need around you. Read more...

One God Movement–We Will Not Be Silent!
Imagine everyone, all over the country, taking one hour from their busy schedule, on the same day, at the same time, in the middle of the week, to honor God. Read more...

How To Persevere Beyond The Obstacles
by LuAnne Anderson
Recently, during my daily devotion I cried out to God, “Father forgive me, I want more of you, yet all the busyness, obstacles and distractions continue to steal my time. Like Paul, I do the things I don’t want to do and don’t do the things I want to do. Please help me!” Read more...

I Had a Vision
by LuAnne Anderson
Several years ago, I had a vision of our city working together as one; one body supplying for all our needs. We need to unite as one, all our forces and resources together, enabling us to supply for every need. Training, when necessary, those served with skills, and developing them spiritually, as we love our neighbor as ourselves.

Consider This
by LuAnne Anderson
Feeling rather pensive this morning, my thoughts continue to drift to my children. As a parent, you want to make things easy for them. Put them in a nice house, with good neighbors. You want them to have the best car, with air-conditioning. You don’t want them to just have a job. You want them to find their career in something they love to do, applying their God-given gifts, surrounded by positive influences. Read more...

Drawing Strength In Your Circumstances
by LuAnne Anderson
Over the last few months, I have been trying to inspire my Mother to eat healthy organic foods, and have turned her onto some different types of granola cereals. So, I guess it is no surprise when I sent her a love package with some pictures, and gourmet dog food without a note, or explanation, she felt I might be turning her on to some new granola delight. When she received the package she took a bite of this new, not so attractive morsel. Read more...

by LuAnne Anderson
What drives many of us to think that the single people of this world need our help, to find the one God has chosen and predestined for their life? Do we think, if we can make one match that is successful, it will make up for all our bad choices? Shouldn’t we first encourage people to fall in love with God?

How Does Your Offering Smell?
by LuAnne Anderson
Have you ever had someone in your life, a child, a neighbor, or a friend, that calls when they have nothing better to do? They tell you they love you when they are with you, but weeks, or months can pass before you hear from them.

Through Death Comes Life... If You Believe
In Memory of My Dad

by LuAnne Anderson
As we move into the month of June there are so many feelings of sadness, and expectation at the same time. This is the month we remember our fathers. Some are preparing for a great celebration to honor a father of morals and integrity, who is loving, and always has a listening ear. Read more...

See The Fruit
by LuAnne Anderson
A few years ago I had a man approach me at a local Wendy’s, and ask for money. He and a friend Gail were hanging out there together and were hungry. I told them, “I would be happy to buy them supper. I took their order, and returned a few minutes latter with their meals. Read more...

Planting a Tree of Life
by LuAnne Anderson
Several months ago I went to a local diner, and noticed a pretty young girl named Rebecca. She is 29 years old, with long brown hair, but her face always seemed a bit warn. The tracks on her arms revealed her choice of escape, heroin. She also struggled with downers, like Xanax. Read more...

By LuAnne Anderson
Many times we give the devil too much credit. The word says we are born in sin. The sin is our flesh. When we receive the revelation, our flesh is our true enemy, I believe we will leap to new horizons spiritually. Read more...

By LuAnne Anderson
As we enter into this New Year of 2007, I want to first thank God for helping me through one of the most difficult years of my life. He has not only sustained me; He has blessed me. Through my circumstances I have a greater understanding of His all-consuming love, and His eternal grace. I do not feel led to go into all the gory details, but I will say this, Read More...

Holiday Recipes
By LuAnne Anderson
These are some of our staffs’ favorite traditional holiday recipes.
My grandmother created our NaNa dressing, passed down through the generations. We hope you enjoy them. May God bless and keep you in His care.

To The One I Love
By LuAnne Anderson
This year is almost over, and what a year it has been. We have a total of four publications in Florida. They are Alachua, Osceola, Orlando, and Polk County Cornerstone Connection. Read More...

Let’s Get Real
By LuAnne Anderson
I first want to thank, all of those who have blessed me with their encouraging testimonials, of how last month's Letters From The Publisher touched their lives. That was probably one of the most difficult articles I have ever written, not just personally, but the spiritual attacks were almost overwhelming. Read More...

Hope For The Hopeless
By LuAnne Anderson
Several people have asked me to share my story. Well, we don’t have enough space to write a book, but I will share a few pieces of my life.
If you read our anniversary issue, you know I have had my share of challenges, as all of us. I mentioned being molested as a child. Read More...

The Sleeping Giant
By LuAnne Anderson
There is a sleeping Giant of Great destruction, a killer disease covering our nation.
It takes your memory and steals your dreams, it can devour your finances, and it blinds you from seeing those in need around you. The first sign of infection is it takes your purpose in life, by blurring your God given vision with circumstances and obstacles and makes you lust for what you don't have. Like most diseases it spreads, but this one with increasing power has moved across our land. Read more...

From the Heart
By LuAnne Anderson
It has been 14 years, June 12, since we published the first Cornerstone Connection Magazine. The first issue consisted of 8 pages, and we printed only 8,000 for distribution.We are now 40 pages and growing, reaching over 100,000 readers.


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